Society’s Beta Program Is Now Accepting Applications

Is your brand seeking new ways to engage with and reward your most loyal fans? Society is a robust platform that allows brands to connect with their customers by leveraging digital collectibles. And, for a limited time, select enterprises, organizations or startups can use the Society platform for FREE for six months. 

This is an exclusive opportunity for brands who want to advance their loyalty programs and customer interactions. Here, we answer a few frequently asked questions about Society and the beta program.


Why Society?

While brands have most recently leaned on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to connect with customers, these platforms are designed to distract users and keep them scrolling. This makes it hard to create meaningful connections. Plus, these third-party vendors own the data and contacts—keeping you from having true transparency and control. 

Society is a platform that seamlessly works with your existing software to offer features like member voting, loyalty tiers, and exclusive perks and access. Using digital collectibles, you can create unique and engaging experiences for your most loyal fans.


How does Society differ from other platforms?

Unlike traditional loyalty platforms, Society leverages open web technology to foster deeper relationships. Specifically, Society enables:

  • Daily activity and interactions within your community
  • Tiered, personalized rewards based on each fan’s specific journey with your brand 
  • Active, two-way conversations with your fans 
  • Opportunities for fans to provide input (e.g., voting, games and collaborations) that emphasize shared values and evoke emotional equity
  • Seamless integration with Discord to ensure consistent communication and engagement

Check out this blog post for more details about all you can do with Society.


Why should we make the move to digital collectibles?

More and more brands are incorporating digital collectibles into their loyalty initiatives and outreach. Consider:

  • Nike—who made $250 million in sales from digital collectibles in 2022—launched its .SWOOSH platform in the fall. More than 330,000 beta users have signed up for .SWOOSH, which has been designed to serve as an “a new, inclusive digital community and experience” for its top fans. 
  • Gucci and Superplastic teamed up to create the SuperGucci collection—an exclusive mix of digital and physical collectibles. Access to the collection is based upon a fan’s level of engagement (i.e., members of Gucci’s Discord community can access before others).
  • In 2022, Tiffany’s Inc. sold all 250 of its digital collectibles within 20 minutes. Each one was sold for approximately $50,000.
  • Starbucks describes its new Odyssey rewards program as an “experience, surrounded by a digital community, where members can come together, interact and share their love of coffee.” Engaged community members can gain digital collectable stamps that offer unique access and experiences.

As the open web becomes more utilized, individuals will expect their favorite brands to provide these more engaging opportunities to connect. Using Society, you will have the ability to create your own digital assets and distribute them as merchandise, gifts or rewards. You will also be able to increase engagement and receive direct feedback without ads or influencers by targeting your audience directly. And the best part? You will own your community, contacts, transactions and interactions. 


How does it work?

You don’t need technical knowledge, web3 experience or any sort of cryptocurrency to use Society. It is a no-code platform that plugs into existing software. To start, you will need to apply for Society’s beta program by answering a few questions. As part of the application process, we will schedule a call with you to answer any of your questions and to learn about your specific goals.

Those accepted into the Society beta program will receive six months of Society at no cost. During that time, participants will be asked to provide regular feedback to help us improve the platform even more. Perks of the beta program include:

  • Access to Society and all of its features, including minting and distributing digital collectibles, gated access and much more
  • Discord community setup, including integration with the Society Bot, to promote seamless communication and engaging interactions within the community 
  • A strategy call to ensure you make the most out of the platform and its features
  • Access to a members-only Discord community to share best practices, provide insights and ask questions
  • Six months of premium support


How can I apply?

You can apply for the beta program here. If you have questions or would like to discuss how you can leverage digital collectibles to build a more transparent community, then schedule a call with one of our experts today.

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